Friday, April 20, 2012

Facebook, Politics, and Social Media Policy

Bryant, C. (2012, April 19). Facebook , Politics, and Your Social Media Policy. Retrieved from

            In this article, the author describes about the advantages and the disadvantages of Facebook in business area. The purpose of the article is to make people aware of the issues in small business and the employees that work for them. The author also describes Facebook provides a lot of marketing, customers’ behavior and purchasing habits which give employers the information and access in different page.. The result of it the employees have to share their Facebook password as a job application process. However, employees are working on to pass an amendment to stop them from giving their personal password.
I think it these kind of networking site provides a lot of information about people that are around the world. For me, I think the information they ask while registering for any website are not so secure, so I always get careful while providing personal information. I did not know until I read this article that some businesses pay to media to get an access to another person's page or profile. Also, there are lots of chances to get our account hijacked, if we don't use it properly.

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