Monday, April 9, 2012

Can Employers Ask For Your Facebook Password? Not in Maryland

Fitzpatric, A. (2012, April 9). Can Employers Ask For Your Facebook Password? Not in Maryland. Retrived from

The topic of this article is about an issue that social media had created in employees’ job, which forced new bill to pass to the residents of Maryland. The article describes the role of social media that ended into governments’ office in Maryland. In today’s world Facebook has been a popular web site that anyone can have access to it. Even though it created a lot of misrepresentation, it came into the Maryland’s government’s office, when the Officer Robert Collins’ job got into risk. Collins left for few days after his mom died, but when he returned to work, his job was taken by other person. In this process, he was asked to give his Facebook password to get his job back. Since the law has been passed to protect the employees’ personal rights, there is no issue in Maryland. This essay is useful because it focuses on the people’s privacy.

I think asking employees for their personal networking site is totally against someone else’s privacy. And also, I don’t think employers are not allowed to replace their position without employee’s resignation letter. Honestly, sometimes I think people create issues to prove themselves as cool and smart person in the entire world. But it’s good thing to know that Maryland’s General Assembly has passed bill to protect their employees’ personal rights.

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