Monday, April 9, 2012

"Games" by Steven Johnson

In the essay “Games” by Steven Johnson writes about the differences between the video games and the books. He also mentions that playing video games are not really bad for kids. Instead today’s video games improve visual intelligence and skills. It depends on the type of games kids are playing. In the other hand, reading books helps to develop kids’ cognitive skills as well as to maintain attention. Being a good reader also can benefit in future jobs and critical thinking. Moreover, he also states even the most avid reader spend some time with other social media: playing games, watching television, or the Internet. Also, playing video games are not completely the waste of time, but when it comes to the discussion, people often misrepresent it without playing and experiencing the real visual games. 
When we talk about Games vs. Reading, we often choose reading as the most important aspects of life because this will improve kids’ education and lead to the future job. In this case, I think both are important for them because in our today’s world, social media has been a way to learn and study our world. If we look around, there are not single kids who does not know and play games. The games which are made for kids are often animated and informative, which helps them to visualize and memorize the things.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ramila, you did a great job summarizing the chosen we've read for class. Your picture tends to flow vert well with your summary. Though, I would consider revising your summary for grammars. Overall, nice work!
