Wednesday, April 4, 2012

If facebook were invented in the 90s

This video shows about what if Facebook were invented in 90s and what would it look and sounds. I think if Facebook had been invented in the 90s, it would have looked exactly the same as it shows in the video with the creepy robotic sound and different fonts. I do not know anything about how social media had been around 90s in the United States, but I can imagine that media had changed a lot over the time period; also if Facebook were invented in the 90s, people would have used it for different purposes.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the sarcasm in this video and it seems like the creator of this wants to make fun of Facebook. It certainly doesn't put in a good word for the social network, but explains the risks and disadvantages of it. It also makes fun of some people´s posts on their walls like "I am tired". I guess this video wants to show us how ridiculous Facebook is sometimes and it's kind of funny to watch by the way.
