Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Where I Lived, and What I Lived For

“Where I Lived, and What I Lived For" by Henry David Thoreau (pp. 403-409) 50 Essay

In the essay “Where I Lived, and What I Lived For” by Henry Thoreau describes about the life he wanted to live in nature without any pressure and rush. He also mentions the people that are living around us are not living in reality. The main theme of his life is simplicity, which he tries to live in going away from all the rush hour and modern technology. He wants to slow down and enjoy the life in fullest and discover what life is all about. For him, sending letter and reading newspaper was worthless because they contain all the useless news and dramas. He also claims that he only received one or two letter that worth postage in his life.

In real, there is nobody who does not use social media in their daily basis. Everybody depends on social media and leaves in there to do their job. It is true, there are some exceptions that we have to rely on social media, but nowadays people use it so often, they cannot get away from it. They get addicted with it and forget everything that needs to be done. For instance, whenever I sit in front of my laptop and try to do homework, I cannot concentrate on my work because of the Facebook and other social networking site. Once I open the webpage I like, I forget to do my work. I think Social Media is like a drug, once you try it you get addicted.

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