Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Television: The Plug-In Drug

"Television the Plug-in Drug" by Marie Winn (pp. 438-447) in 50 Essay

In the essay “Television: The Plug- in Drug”, Marie Winn describes about how television has changed the American families, and the role television has played in their lives. She also mentions the different use of television that today’s parents’ practice as a solution to get rid of their kids; and their problems. However, they also complain about having more than one television at house, which prevents them from spending TV time together. In the other hand, television had bad impact on family activities and gathering, which allow them to interact with each other and share their life story. In addition, she concludes if family members spend less time together, they would fail to show their love to each other since they don’t practice the traditional activities.

In our today’s advanced world, there are lot technologies that separate family from different activities. Similar to the author idea, television has both the positive and negative impact on families because when we have only one thing to choose from, one television at house, we choose to share with entire family, which brings families together, but when we have more than one, we are more likely to enjoy our own. Not only television has an impact in families, but also there are a lot of new social networking site that keeps us away from family, friends, and community. It is true that some social networking site such as: Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo Messenger etc keeps us connected with friends and family, but it can also keep us away from reality and interaction with family.

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