Friday, April 20, 2012

Twitter in Africa

Smith, D. (2012, January 26). African Twitter map reveals how continent stays connected. Retrieved from

The topic of this article is about the increasing rate of Twitter in African Continent. The writer describes the statistical report of within the continent. People in Africa have more Smartphone than personal computer, which they use to tweet with other friends and society. The writer concludes Africa’s largest economy; South Africa has the tweets over 5m than any other places in the African continent. People are using social networking site Twitter for social conversation, communicating with friends, searching for jobs, and also for monitoring news. Twitter have helped the people in different places to link and connect within the continent. The researchers have found out “less business and political leaders have joined the continents Twitter sphere.” They also seems to be absent in largely social conversation. This essay is useful because it shows the largely used social network in the African Continent which helped them in connecting to the people and sharing their ideas. I think these technology in our society are very valuable because these social networking site helps people to form a blog or conversation page where they can post their ideas about their rights and freedom. Like, Arab Spring which helped Arabian people to fight over their rights and freedom through social media and technology. These technologies are very helpful in sharing ideas. 

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