Friday, April 20, 2012

How Social Networking Has Changed the Society

Hoover, L. (2009, April 7). How Social Networking Has Changed the Society. Retrieved from

            The author writes about the social networking site that are changing the society, by inventing different site that people can easily get access to it, such as Yahoo, Twitter, Facebook etc. The author also makes a point about communication that these sites had made things easier that we don’t have to rely on neighborhoods, churches, or workplace to make our opinion. She also suggests that these new change in social media can lead into something new in future.

I like this author’s idea about how social networking is changing the society. I also agree on how we can communicate with other persons as we are having face to face conversation. Social networking is giving us a lot of opportunities that we can apply in our daily life. These kind of media can keep us connected even we are far from our relatives and friends.

Facebook, Politics, and Social Media Policy

Bryant, C. (2012, April 19). Facebook , Politics, and Your Social Media Policy. Retrieved from

            In this article, the author describes about the advantages and the disadvantages of Facebook in business area. The purpose of the article is to make people aware of the issues in small business and the employees that work for them. The author also describes Facebook provides a lot of marketing, customers’ behavior and purchasing habits which give employers the information and access in different page.. The result of it the employees have to share their Facebook password as a job application process. However, employees are working on to pass an amendment to stop them from giving their personal password.
I think it these kind of networking site provides a lot of information about people that are around the world. For me, I think the information they ask while registering for any website are not so secure, so I always get careful while providing personal information. I did not know until I read this article that some businesses pay to media to get an access to another person's page or profile. Also, there are lots of chances to get our account hijacked, if we don't use it properly.

Educational Benefits Of Social Networking Site

University of Minnesota (2008, June 20). Educational Benefits Of Social Networking Sites Uncovered. ScienceDaily. Retrieved April 20, 2012, from­ /releases/2008/06/080620133907.htm

The researchers have found that social networking site is actually helping students in positive way. The author has found out statistical report that 94 percent students use Internet. The author also provides these networking site are helping students in creativity, sharing ideas, and learning new technology system in 21st century. The author also explains students often do not know there are professional educational opportunities provided in social media. Besides all the information about social media this article provides the positive information about social media in students.

Twitter in Africa

Smith, D. (2012, January 26). African Twitter map reveals how continent stays connected. Retrieved from

The topic of this article is about the increasing rate of Twitter in African Continent. The writer describes the statistical report of within the continent. People in Africa have more Smartphone than personal computer, which they use to tweet with other friends and society. The writer concludes Africa’s largest economy; South Africa has the tweets over 5m than any other places in the African continent. People are using social networking site Twitter for social conversation, communicating with friends, searching for jobs, and also for monitoring news. Twitter have helped the people in different places to link and connect within the continent. The researchers have found out “less business and political leaders have joined the continents Twitter sphere.” They also seems to be absent in largely social conversation. This essay is useful because it shows the largely used social network in the African Continent which helped them in connecting to the people and sharing their ideas. I think these technology in our society are very valuable because these social networking site helps people to form a blog or conversation page where they can post their ideas about their rights and freedom. Like, Arab Spring which helped Arabian people to fight over their rights and freedom through social media and technology. These technologies are very helpful in sharing ideas. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Response to Lee's Blog

Lee's Blog

I agree on Lee's post about the “Facebook Parenting: For the Troubled Teen.” In this post she said, “Social media has played a huge role in today society that anyone, even kids can post up something online and everyone can see, even though the person who did the post does not think that everyone is going to see what they wrote.  Social media is a huge impact on people’s lives, causing them to do crazy things (para. 2).  I totally agree with her idea about people updating status about persons they hate. A month ago, while we were having get-together party at our house, one of my uncles showed this video to my siblings and me. While we were watching, he said, “This girl is crazy!” After I watched the video, I thought so too because the girl who posted bad things about her parents is abusing the Facebook. She did not even think about it that Facebook is online social networking; everyone can see it even her parents. Her anger led her to make wrong decision; she did not even think about the consequences of it, what will happen after her parents see it. For that time, she might have thinking she did right thing or prove public as her parents are abusing her, but in real she is making wrong decision. Social media has changed our lives, it made us easier to find friends and keep us closer to each other, but some people abuse it by creating an issue. I don’t think social media in itself is a bad thing, but it’s the people who makes it look bad. In the other hand, as I listen to his dad's response, I don't think there is anything wrong with doing their own chores at house.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Addiction of Facebook!!

I think this picture clearly shows what it means to the person who is addicted to Facebook. I think this is true for most of the people around the world, even I get tempted to check what other friends have posted on Facebook.  Nowadays, Facebook has become so popular that everybody is into it, and I think what this picture really trying to show is even though a person is trying to work, his mind is on Facebook. He is trying to get away from it, but couldn't. This picture is used it as a funny picture, but it made me think for a while, this is where I stand in and I am pretty sure everybody feels the same way as well. When I check on Facebook, some people update their status saying," I can't get out of FB, I don't want to sleep!" I have younger brother, who attends High School, is addicted to Facebook, whenever I get home, I always see him in front of computer checking on Facebook, nowadays, his grades in school work are declining.  I think getting addicted to Facebook is dangerous for teenagers.

Television: The Plug-In Drug

"Television the Plug-in Drug" by Marie Winn (pp. 438-447) in 50 Essay

In the essay “Television: The Plug- in Drug”, Marie Winn describes about how television has changed the American families, and the role television has played in their lives. She also mentions the different use of television that today’s parents’ practice as a solution to get rid of their kids; and their problems. However, they also complain about having more than one television at house, which prevents them from spending TV time together. In the other hand, television had bad impact on family activities and gathering, which allow them to interact with each other and share their life story. In addition, she concludes if family members spend less time together, they would fail to show their love to each other since they don’t practice the traditional activities.

In our today’s advanced world, there are lot technologies that separate family from different activities. Similar to the author idea, television has both the positive and negative impact on families because when we have only one thing to choose from, one television at house, we choose to share with entire family, which brings families together, but when we have more than one, we are more likely to enjoy our own. Not only television has an impact in families, but also there are a lot of new social networking site that keeps us away from family, friends, and community. It is true that some social networking site such as: Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo Messenger etc keeps us connected with friends and family, but it can also keep us away from reality and interaction with family.